Indie Lens: We Love Libraries!

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Program Description

Event Details

Indie Lens: We Love Libraries! 💜 Banned Books, Democracy and Voice!

Everyone welcome

When: Wednesday February 19th 11am-1pm. 

Why: Learn why libraries matter and topic of banned books. 

Where: Zoom for the online panel discussion, 11am-11:30am;  

FRCC-Larimer Campus, Longs Peak Student Center East/West Conference Room for other portions of the program 11:30am-1:00pm.

What: Join us for an online panel discussion including former Weld County librarian who won court case for promoting LGBTQ and anti-racism programs; and in-person lunch, Drag Storytime, interactive tabling, and free banned books! 

Free food for attendees, free banned books, great panelists, and fun tables.

Come to an In-Person Panel Party and Event at each FRCC campus. 

Schedule of events:

Join virtually (panel only) or In Person!

11am Panel:

                         MyChal Threets (@mychal3ts)                                                 

                         Brooky Parks: Librarian who won civil rights lawsuit

                         5th Grade student shares own experiences

11:30am Drag Storytime

12pm: Banned book giveaways and more!